If a doctor is temporarily not working at your clinic, or no longer provides an appointment type, you can deactivate the doctor from the workflow(s). Deactivating a doctor from a workflow(s) will not allow patients to book with the doctor in the specified workflow.

You can also make a doctor unavailable for a day through your Oscar settings, click here to learn more

The following steps are faster to deactivate a doctor if the doctor is absent for a longer period of time.

Steps on how to deactivate a doctor from a workflow:

1. Login to your clinic's Cortico domain (eg. clinicname.cortico.ca)

2. Click on "Settings" from the top right dropdown Menu.

3. Click on "Staff"

4. Click on the pencil icon beside the name of your selected doctor

5. Click "Edit"

6. A pop-up will appear with the provider details on the left and specializations on the right. Under "Specializations", find the workflow you would like to deactivate the doctor from, and click on "Status" to set the doctor as "inactive" for the specified workflow.

In this example, I am deactivating Test Doctor from the Family Doctor workflow.

The workflow that you have deactivated your doctor from will appear faded in colour compared to the workflows your doctor is currently active in. Notice how "Family Doctor" workflow is faded in comparison to "Specific Doctor Walk-in" which is active.

7. The doctor is now deactivated for the workflow and patients will no longer be able to book an appointment with the doctor in that workflow.

Note that when you return to the "Staff" settings page, the doctor will have inactive workflows listed under their name. The workflow is still inactive despite it being present there. 


To activate a doctor from a workflow so patients can start booking with the doctor again, repeat steps 1-5 and select "active" in "Status". 

If you have any questions about deactivating or activating a doctor in a workflow, please contact help@cortico.ca and we can assist you.


Click here to learn how to deactivate a doctor from all workflows