You may have encountered the following error in the patient response section:

Possible cause: Changed appointment ID (moved appointment)

The most likely cause of the issue is if you have used the cut and paste function to move an appointment. This unfortunately causes the forms in the patient response section and in the day sheet to disappear because Oscar deletes the old appointment and creates a new one. We recommend altering the date and time for patients who filled out forms instead.

Possible cause: Appointment Notes key deleted or altered

Patient form responses are stored encrypted in Cortico, and a key (similar to a password) is needed to access these form responses. This key is stored in the Appointment Notes field (see screenshot below) and is always 44 characters ending in an equal sign (=). If this key gets deleted or altered, the form responses will no longer be accessible. Please ensure that you don't delete or alter this text in the Appointment Notes.