Pharmacy Selection

Cortico now has a feature for patients to select their pharmacy when booking. 

When booking, you will see the following field:

Clicking on it will allow you to search for your preferred pharmacy and select it.

After the appointment is booked, the pharmacy code (shown as numbers inside square brackets) is added to the appointment reason field in Oscar. To view the pharmacy details, go to the "Provider Schedule" page on your Cortico site.

Run the Cortico Oscar Plug-In to set the pharmacy the patient selected during booking as their preferred pharmacy in Oscar. 

The pharmacy details do not show up in Oscar because of the character limit in the appointment reason field.

If you would like to enable this feature, please contact us at


Prescription Deliveries

When patients book, they may choose the option for their prescription to be delivered to their home the same or following day. This saves doctors’ time searching for the right pharmacy to fax to, and many patients prefer it as well.

Currently there are a variety of pharmacies, who will fulfill these prescription deliveries. If you are interested in this feature, or if you have a local pharmacy that also does prescription deliveries, contact us at