As a clinic manager or MOA, new patients may reach out to you saying that they are unable to complete the new patient sign up form online.

Cortico's new patient sign up form is easy to use by any user, so continue reading below to learn more on how you can troubleshoot the issues yourself. 

Strategies to troubleshoot:

1. Check if the patient is an existing patient with a demographic record in your Oscar. Sometimes an existing patient that has not booked an appointment online, may try to sign up as a new patient and will find that they are unsuccessful. This is because they are existing patients and do not need to sign up. They can simply book an appointment.

If the patient is an existing patient, verify the patient's health card number and date of birth. Once completed, provide your clinic's booking link to the patient.

2. The patient may receive an error message that their health card number is invalid. Ask the patient if their health card number has been changed recently. If it has been, update the patient's demographic record with it and the patient will be able to complete 

3. The text fields for health card number are also case sensitive, so make sure the health card number is entered correctly. If the patient provides you their health card number, you can try entering it in to test whether the issue persists.

Information to request for from the patient:

To help troubleshoot the issue most effectively, you'll need to gather as much information as possible. This includes:

  • Patient's name
  • Patient's contact information (phone number or email address)
  • Screenshot of error message
  • Explanation of error
  • Browser type and version
  • Device type
  • Personal health card number 
  • Date of birth 

If you have any questions with troubleshooting issues related to the new patient sign-up, please contact with the requested information stated above.