1. Updates to video appointments:
    1. Added a feedback popup for patients experiencing technical issues with video.
    2. Visual updates to buttons, icons, and font sizes to reflect the Cortico style guide.
    3. Added a "Test camera" button on the video preview page. (This is needed on mobile, where the camera permission needs to be triggered by a user action, such as a button press.)
  2. Updates to the appointment booking page:
    1. For workflows with questionnaires enabled, navigating past and then back to the questionnaire step now shows the editable questionnaire instead of a list of the patient's answers.
    2. Updated the list of pharmacies shown in step 2 of booking.
  3. Updates to doctors' appointment list page ("Video Appointments"):
    1. We no longer prefetch patients' contact info for video and phone appointments (email and phone numbers). This will reduce the number of API requests that are sent to Oscar. This means that clicking "Email link to patient" or "Send link via SMS" for video appointments will look up the patient's email/phone on demand, and return an error if the patient does not have a valid email/phone. In addition, phone appointments now show a button ("Get phone numbers") that will fetch patients' phone numbers on demand instead of displaying them automatically.