Automate MSP validation

Instead of manually verifying individual patient's healthcare number using OSCAR, Cortico's plugin allows clinic staff to verify every patient's healthcare number on the current day's schedule, with one click.

This feature can be found under Automations > Eligibility Checker


Automate setting pharmacy fax numbers

Doctors who find themselves looking up fax numbers of pharmacies will find this feature extremely helpful. Along with Cortico's booking process which allows patients to select their preferred pharmacy, this feature automates setting that pharmacy in OSCAR, ensuring that the fax number is set correctly for the patient.


This feature can be found under Automations > Preferred Pharmacies



Default appointment type for manually created appointments

When manually creating appointments in the schedule, clinic staff can now set the default appointment type.
This feature can be found under Configurations


Quick access to patient information

To avoid click fatigue, Cortico's plugin allows clinic staff to access patient contact information from the schedule. Clicking on the email will automatically open the default mail client. If VoIP is setup on the computer, clicking the phone numbers will automatically prompt the option to call the patient.

This feature can be found in the OSCAR schedule next to each appointment.

Review Patient Responses

Cortico's plugin captures patient responses to custom questions during the booking process. 

This feature can be found in the Appointment Record > Patient Responses

One-click email to recall patient

Cortico's Recall feature is a one-click option to send appointment details to patients by email. 

This feature can be found in the Appointment Record > Recall Email

For more details about this feature, view:


Send email and SMS messages to patients

Cortico's plugin enables clinic staff to send messages, attach documents, attach forms and more.