1. Updates to "Tech Issue?" Groove widget:
    1. Only show "Tech Issue? Groove widget on booking and video appointment pages.
  2. Updates to Patient Portal page:
    1. Patients are now allowed to upload photos 2 hours after their appointment.
  3. Updates to Provider Schedule:
    1. Added a button to allow requesting a patient to fill out a form.
  4. Updates to saving appointment details to EMR:
    1. If diagnostic answers are short, they are now also stored in the appointment notes field.
  5. Updates to appointment booking:
    1. Fixed a bug where searching for timeslots stops loading further dates when timeslots are found for any appointment medium (clinic, phone, or video). We now try to load timeslots until some timeslots are found for each appointment medium, or the end of the booking range is reached.
  6. Added the option to disable appointment follow-up emails.
  7. Updates to Workflow settings:
    1. Added a new configuration that allows/disallows patients from booking with other doctors if they have an assigned provider.
    2. When this is disabled, an error message will appear containing a link to /primary-care which shows family doctor workflows only.
  8. Backend updates:
    1. Ported old tests to PyTest.