Note: Changes from Cortico 3.3 will also be released on July 13, 2020.

- [Beta/early preview] Sending SMS reminders to patients 90 minutes before appointments
- Sort doctor list (for workflows that allow you to choose a doctor) so that doctors available today are first in the list, and have the text "Available today" beside their name.
- Locum feature: get rid of "family doctor" specialization so that locum doctor only has a notation "(locum)" beside their name. 
- Added back "PHN Status" field in the patient registration form, with the options "In province", "Out of province", and "No PHN".
- Added "[Clinic]" prefix to Oscar Appointment Notes (Reason for Visit) field for in-clinic appointments. (Similar to how video and phone appointments are prefixed with "[Video]" and "[Phone]".)
- Added <hr> element (horizontal line) to allowed HTML tags for clinic policies.
- Updated Pediatrician expired roster message to "You do not have an active referral. A new referral to a Pediatrician is required every 6 months. Please contact a GP for a new referral."
- Bugfixes for "In Clinic | Video | Phone" flags in appointment booking options
- Fixed bug where private-paying patient email lookup was case sensitive.
- New UI booking flow: early release for Aloha Medical