Cortico Web Release:

Appointment Booking Updates:

1. Updated the availability information on the "Book" page to be more prominent.

2. Added number validation to phone and date of birth fields in the booking form and new patient form.

Pharmacy Selection Updates:

1. Updates to email sent to the pharmacy when the delivery option is selected.

2. Autodetect prescription mode (delivery or pickup) from url parameters.

3. Designed pharmacies will be ordered first in the pharmacy list when booking an appointment.

4. Designated clinics will be ordered first in Cerebro.

5. Fixed bug where workflow event did not include the pharmacy code.

Other Updates:

1. Hide administrative ("quiet") appointments from the patient portal.

2. Fixed bug where slider questions in patient forms could only be clicked and not dragged.

3. Fixed bug where patient forms connected to OSCAR Labs aren't saving in OSCAR.

4. Fixed bug where location cards had stretched logos.

5. Updates to "refer a colleague" text on the provider dashboard.

Cortico Plug-In Release:

1. Send SMS message on e-Form pages without including attachments.

2. Appointment details performance updates.

3. Video appointments are identified on the schedule page by a video icon on the appointment slot.

Any questions or concerns? Contact us at