1. Added a new pop-up in new patient registration.
  2. Pop-ups are shown in terminal booking if policies are set.
  3. Diagnostic questionnaire is hidden in appointment booking if selected provider is fully booked.
  4. Provider is automatically selected in invite patient booking based on currently logged-in user.
  5. Updates to Template Codes configuration:
    1. Template codes will always fall back to set values in workflow and can be overridden by template codes set in specialization.
    2. Included default template codes for each medium in Workflows tab in clinic settings.
    3. Included default template codes for each medium in specialization card based on selected workflow in clinic settings.
    4. Removed auto-populating template codes in specialization card based on selected workflow in clinic settings.
  6. Added configuration to allow setting next form for diagnostic answer.
  7. Fixed issue where updating current locum coverage causes duplicate error.
  8. Updated max fee to 3.4%  for clinics in Enterprise payment plan.