Cortico Web Release:

Patient Portal Updates:

1. Added approximate timeslot text in the countdown when the countdown reaches 0, and also in the "Appointment currently underway" page.

2. Made email/SMS unsubscribe text consistent between the patient portal and the direct link.

Automated Clinic Billing Updates:

1. Show integration fee on billing page.

2. Added user change history to billing page for clinics that are not using Automated Clinic Billing.

Clinic Settings Updates:

1. For multilocation clinics, the workflow card now shows a booking link for each location.

Other Updates:

1. Clicking on "go to appointment" from the plug-in for video appointments will redirect to Doxy (or other external video platforms) if the doctor has external video platform enabled.

2. Fixed a bug where 2FA auth page success message indicated email when the user send 2FA code to SMS.

3. Changed the wording for phone appointments to use the provider's job title instead of "doctor" in the "appointment booked" page.

Cortico Plug-In Release:

Preferred Pharmacy Updates:

1. Added a pop-up message indicating if the pharmacy was not yet synced, with a button to sync it and indicating the pharmacy chosen by the patient.

2. Added a pop-u message when doctors send Rx if preferred pharmacy does not match.

Accuro Updates:

1. Fixed Canned Responses and standalone responses.

2. Changing a canned response with {{Clinic Website Url}} it will replace with the clinic's url.

Other Updates:

1. Added a load more button in conversation to load the conversation from the next page.

Any questions or concerns? Contact us at