New features:

1.   Added a new configurable option called "Allowed patient network clinics." When configured, only patients who are existing patients at one of the specified clinics will be able to register as a new patient and book appointments at your clinic. The format for this config is a comma-separated list of clinic hostnames (e.g.,,

General changes:

2.   Changes to booking page:
    1. Removed the "Not finding a time?" blue message when no timeslots are available, because it was redundant (a separate red message is already displayed above).

3.   Changes to standalone booking pages:
    1. On the /telehealth booking page, changed title from "Book A Video Or Phone Appointment" to "Book a Virtual Appointment" to avoid confusion for clinics who don't offer both phone and video services, and removed the unnecessary description text.
    2. On the /in-clinic booking page, removed the unnecessary description text.

4. Changes to video appointments:
    1. When the doctor joins the video room first and the patient is not in the room yet, a banner is displayed that allows the doctor to share the video link with the patient. There used to be two options: "copy link" and "email link", and "email link" was removed.