Cortico Web Release:

1. Updates to Appointment Booking:

1.1 - When the setting "allow multiple future appointments" is disabled, patients will now be allowed to book 1 future primary care appointment and 1 future specialist appointment per specialist workflow.

1.2 - Video appointments have been updated to improve usability and overall design.

1.3 - Appointment booking page has received visual updates to comply with WCAG AA accessibility guidelines.


2. Updates to Patient Forms:

2.1 - Added a progress bar so users can track their completion while filling out a form.

3. Other Updates

3.1 - "Quiet" (admin) appointments no longer count as duplicate appointments, nor will they prevent patients from booking future appointments.

3.2 - Added the option "Clinic contacted me to register" to the "How did you hear about us?" field in the new patient sign-up.

3.3 - On the custom homepage template, only providers will be displayed now (rather than providers and staff users).

3.4 - Added a card to the provider dashboard that will allow users to request Mass Email setup.


Cortico Plug-in Release:

4. Updates to Appointment Booking:

4.1 - Fixed Cerebro URL determination for Single Sign-on (SSO)

4.2 - Fixed Pathways integration in OSCAR EMR 19

4.3 - Fixed an issue where you couldn't mention a doctor within the Provider Messaging interface

4.4 - Added the prefix "provider_messaging" to files if you upload them to the EMR via Provider Messaging