1. New feature: Added a tracking code field that will be embedded on the clinic homepage if populated.
  2. Updates to the Clinic Settings page:
    1. Moved the "Add Workflow" button on the Clinic Settings page from the bottom of the page to the top of the page.
    2. Added "Contact-only patient status" field to the Clinic Settings page.
  3. Updates to Patient Forms:
    1. Added a "Score" field to single-choice and multiple-choice question answers. If populated, the total of all selected answers when patient is filling out the form will be summed and the total score will be displayed in the form results.
    2. Reduced verbosity of form results (removed some excess newlines) when displaying from the plug-in.
    3. Fixed bug in form editor where reordering questions wasn't updating the answers' "next question" for single/multiple choice questions.
  4. Changed behaviour of the "Allow multiple future appointments" config: previously, patients with an appointment on the current day were able to book another appointment. Now, patients with an appointment on the current day can only book another appointment once the appointment on the current day has started.
  5. Changed behaviour for signed in users: staff/admin users will be redirected to the dashboard after signing in instead of the homepage. (Previously, only doctors would be redirected to the dashboard after signing in.)
  6. Fixed bug where disabling "Enable pharmacy" on a workflow when "Require pharmacy information" is enabled for the clinic causes a bug where step 2 of booking was impassable.
  7. Fixed bug in "Is reminders for manually booked appointments enabled" config where this config would previously only affect email reminders. Now, this config affects both email and SMS reminders.
  8. Fixed bug where sending payment receipts for multi-location clinics wasn't using the location-specific clinic info.