Cortico Web Release:

Patient Forms Updates:

1. [Accuro only] Form responses are now uploaded to the patient's encounter notes in the EMR.

2. Bug fix - standalone form messages were saving the text as "null" when left blank.

Book By Invite Updates:

1. Updated provider filter list to remove inactive providers.

2. Error messages now display specific details about what went wrong instead of a generic alert.

Updates to Payments:

1. Added an option for clinics to add add custom text in Invoices sent to patients.

2. The patient's name will now appear on invoices sent to them.

Other Updates:

1. Updates to locum settings.

2. Removed non-standard appointment types (not "in-clinic", "video", or "phone") from being displayed on the patient portal.

3. Updated more information messages to remove "the clinic" from the wording.

4. Fixed a bug in the Patient Clinic Network where patients who are block/contact-only in one EMR can sign up as a new patient in another clinic.

5. Fixed layout/alignment issues in the patient dashboard on mobile.

6. When "upload files to EMR provider inbox" is enabled and the patient has no MRP and the file was not requested by a specific provider, the file will now be uploaded to the "Unclaimed" inbox.


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