1. Updates to Specialist Booking:
    1. Added sorting by patient's name, invitation status (booked, pending, expired), and booking link expiry date in Specialist Booking page which can be in ascending or descending order.
    2. Added filtering by workflow or provider in Specialist Booking page. 
    3. Moved patient search to Invite Patient Booking form from modal.
    4. Fixed booking link attached in emails.
    5. Fixed endless loading in Specialist Booking page caused by specialist bookings with deleted appointment in EMR.
    6. Changed "Status" to "Invitation Status" in Specialist Booking page.
  2. Updates to Translations:
    1. Added Chinese language for translations for Cortico.
  3. Updates to Caching:
    1. Included updating cache if new info has empty slots.
    2. In Manage Cache page, cache entries are now sorted by date.
  4. Updates to Preferred Delivery Pharmacies:
    1. Added Lynn Valley Pharmacy as one of the preferred delivery pharmacies for KMC, South Surrey, and Lynn Valley.
  5. Updates to User Status:
    1. Added a new user status "Reminder Only".
    2. Added a notification email containing previous user status when if user status is updated.
  6. Updates to Terminal:
    1. Updated button label to "No health card or paying privately" for staff help page.
  7. Updates to CSS Customization:
    1. Added 3 new fields for Primary Brand Color, Header Font URL, Body Font in Clinic to customize brand color such as buttons, and fonts for headers and texts.
  8. Updates to Plugin API:
    1. Added a new API to get saved messages for patient, containing subject and message.
  9. Backend updates:
    1. Ported more old tests to PyTest.